Friday, September 21, 2012

Kay:They make me laugh

Okay Tay and Rae are officially hilarious! In case you didn't know, Tay, under hilarious circumstances, is going to Sadies with someone she doesn't know and I for one am very excited to hear how that will turn out. Yesterday Rae chose her most powerful weapon, the ukulele, and we headed off to walmart to pick a fight with a couple of toothbrushes. Instead we got scared to death by  our friends and ended up dancing around walmart pretending to play our broom guitars while Rae played her ukulele. Now that is how you have fun.
P.S. everything Tay says should be put into a song. "Rae never surprises me anymore." :)  (I can't believe she STILL surprises me.)
Happy Friday! Peacekeys! Go wear a hawaiian shirt.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Kay:Teacher's gotta Teach

HEEEY!  Rae and I have this crazy AP US History teacher and he can't go a day without talking about birth. Okay, Maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but he relates it back to everything. Like yesterday when we were talking about the Quartering Act in the Colonial Era and he had to specify several times that people who kept soldiers in their homes did not end up with more people in their household after the soldiers left than when they started!  It's pretty crazy, we should start counting how many times he brings it up. My sister had him four years ago and she said that was all he talked about then too.
Speaking of crazy teachers, my math teacher openly confessed on the first day to be obsessed with cats and has pictures of her cats in Halloween costumes all over her classroom. But the thing that is absolutely mind-boggling to me is that she is unmarried! It's cray cray. :)
Happy Thursday! Countdown till my birthday:8 days and I can't wait. I'll be the big one-seven!!! Well that's all for today folks Peacekeys!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Kay:Oh Sweet Irony

No school today!! And I went and bought Rae's favorite food, Kneaders pumpkin bread. It's quite delicious. And it is also quite in season at the moment. Right now in AP Art we are doing portfolios and I had been working on mine all weekend 24/7 and my mom got mad at me for not doing my other homework.  And then she wonders why I do my art homework locked up in my room. Oh sweet irony. Anyways I'll have to post a picture of it, it's almost as spiffy as Rae's portfolio. got to go! Peacekeys :)