Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rae: Dumb bum (end of term)

I just felt like titling it like that. I don't know why. Je ne sais pas pourquoi.
So, guess what? 10 quick thoughts. . .
(1) I have several finals everyday this week. Arg.
(2) Also, I lost my works cited page, so I won't be getting a 4.0. Just a 3.9 something.
(3) I wish that I was Jessie's girl. . .
(4) Who has piano playing tests in choir? Just because I love singing doesn't mean I should be required to play the piano. That's just uncalled for.
(5) I hate when the large pixi sticks build up at the end so you can't eat them because it won't pour out.  Unless you put it up to your eye to see what the problem is and it spills on it. Of course it will then... arg.
(6) Kay gave her uke to someone to hold, and apparently they left it somewhere. Then it was passed around to people all around the school until this one girl took it home. Scary, huh? (Kay: "Pass the uke. , . She doesn't want that one!")
(6) If you play the uke, it gives you great oppertunities.  Like meeting new people, playing for everyone in your physics class, and getting random compliements on how cute your guitar is.
(7) Tay gets a baby for her child development class. Have fun Tay! Haha, it wakes up every 40 minutes during the night.
(8) I wore white pants today and we drew with charcoal in art class. Let's just say they aren't white anymore.
Frowney face.
(9) The best song ever is We Are Young by Fun. It's great. But don't try singing it in your art class, because someone might shove you into a box and burn you so that people can draw your skeleton in that position (apparently how the one we're drawing got there, says  some dude)
(10) I bet you didn't notice that there were two number 6s. So now you're going to go check.


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