Friday, December 2, 2011

Kay: lima beans

A day is never boring in the life of your everyday high schoolers.
Some ideas are:
create a blog
Get embarrassed "I like your forehead." :)
bring your camera everywhere and have a silly photo shoot
sign up for anything and everything even when others say no
cook something (we still need to make our smoothie video. . . my mama bought a kagillion dollar blender that can blend an ipodey called a ninja blender)
laugh (you're funny. . . funny funny)
Talk to everyone, you never know when somebody will turn out to be your best friend
Love nature (arbre?)
Dance across a crosswalk
Dance in front of the class
laugh some more and make inside jokes
play basketball :)
make a list. . . been there done that
have a talking circle
create a special occasion for no reason at all. (ugly sweater day for example)
"Let them eat cake"
create an oxymoron list :)
yep the end :)

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